In this episode, we discuss plant based diets. Plant based diets are being praised for health benefits ranging from weight loss to heart health to even cancer prevention. But what exactly constitutes a plant based diet? Can any animal products be included? Are there any risks to only consuming plant based foods? Do you need to make any adjustments with supplements? And is a plant based diet something that guys can stick with for the long haul? To help us answer these questions and many more, we turn to an expert in plant based diets.
Julieanna Hever MS, RD, CPT

Julieanna Hever is a registered dietitian and a certified personal trainer. She has authored six books including The Healthspan Solution, the Idiot’s Guide to Plant Based Nutrition, and The Vegiterranean Diet, as well as two peer reviewed journal articles on plant based nutrition for healthcare professionals. Her latest book, The Choose You Now Diet is due to be published this month. Ms. Hever is also the host of the Choose You Now podcast, has given a TEDx talk and has served as an instructor for the E Cornell Plant Based Nutrition Certification Program. She’s also appeared on shows such as Dr. Oz, Harry, and the Steve Harvey Show.